Digital libraries: storage for now and forever. Konferencja na temat przechowywania zbiorów w bibliotekach cyfrowych - Aktualności - Biblioteka Narodowa


Digital libraries: storage for now and forever. Konferencja na temat przechowywania zbiorów w bibliotekach cyfrowych

Zapraszamy na konferencje na temat przechowywania zbioró w bibliotekach cyfrowych

Zapraszamy na konferencję na temat przechowywania zbiorów w bibliotekach cyfrowych 29 maja 2024

IFLA Preservation and Conservation Center at the National Library of Poland and the Competence Center for Library Digitization invite you to an online conference which will be held on May 29, 2024. The aim of the conference is to raise awareness and exchange experiences between European libraries. Experienced speakers will talk about the issues of digital libraries, with particular emphasis on digital storage, especially in the field of long-term preservation.

Conference will be held on MS Teams in English. There is no need to have MS Teams account or install any software. Additional simultaneous translation to Polish will be available.
Please register for free at:

Celem konferencji jest podnoszenie świadomości i wymiana doświadczeń pomiędzy bibliotekami europejskimi. Doświadczeni prelegenci będą mówić o problematyce bibliotek cyfrowych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem przechowywania cyfrowego, zwłaszcza w zakresie długoterminowego przechowywania. Konferencja odbędzie się 29 maja 2024.

Organizatorzy: IFLA Preservation and Conservation Center Europe, Biblioteka Narodowa, Centrum kompetencji do spraw digitalizacji materiałów bibliotecznych.

Konferencja odbędzie się on line za pośrednictwem platformy MS Teams w języku angielskim z symultanicznym tłumaczeniem na język polski. Nie ma potrzeby posiadania konta MS Teams ani instalowania oprogramowania.
Zapraszamy do bezpłatnej rejestracji pod adresem:

Institution Speakers Title Time (CET):
National Library of Poland Dariusz Paradowski Welcome 10:00
National Library of Estonia Eva-Maria Artus Digital library storage and long-term digital preservation in the National Library of Estonia 10:05
National Library of the Czech Republic Jana Hrzinová Digital library storage and long-time digital preservation in the National Library of the Czech Republic 10:35
Vilnius University Library. Lithuania Nijolė Klingaitė-Dasevičienė
Gediminas Bernotas
Digital library storage and long-time digital preservation in the Vilnius University Library 11:05
The British Library Michael Day Digital library storage and long-term digital preservation in The British Library 11:35
Panel discussion All speakers, moderator Dariusz Paradowski What are your first thoughts on the storage ideas presented by the moderator? 12:05
BREAK     12:20
National Digital Library Ukraine Serhiy Dotsenko Digital library storage and long-time digital preservation in the National Digital Library Ukraine 12:40
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine Yuriy Kovtaniuk Digital library storage and long-time digital preservation in the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine 13:05
National Parliamentary Library of Georgia Maia Simonishvili Digital library storage and long-time digital preservation in the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia 13:35
National Library of Norway Torbjørn Pedersen Digital Preservation at the National Library of Norway 14:05
National Library of Romania Cristina Solinschi  The power to redefine your libraries: overcoming digitalization challenges and obstacles in National Library of Romania 14:50
National Library of Poland Dariusz Paradowski Digital library storage and long-time digital preservation in the National Library of Poland 15:10
National Library of Poland Dariusz Paradowski Q&A session. Conclusions


Prelegenci / Speakers

Eva-Maria Artus is the Head of National Collection Preservation Centre at the National Library of Estonia. She has worked for the NLE for 8 years. The NLE is currently renewing its entire digital archive: the preservation system, the user interface, the pre-ingest system and even the publisher’s portal which enables the publishers to send in their legal deposit. Eva-Maria obtained a master’s degree in contemporary history from the Tartu University and a master’s degree in IT management from the Tallinn University. She draws on both in her daily work, on the one hand dealing with cultural heritage, on the other tackling IT tasks, such as setting up meetings, sprint planning and managing projects with her team.

Jana Hrzinová studied Information Services for Museums and Galleries and later graduated from New Media Studies at Charles University in Prague. In 2013, she began her professional career as a librarian at the Municipal Library in Prague. In 2016, she joined the National Library of the Czech Republic as a digital curator in the LTP Storage department and now serves as the head of the Department of Management and Archiving of Digital Documents. Her work ensures the long-term protection of digitised publications, including data conversions and accessibility of archival digital documents in digital library and contributing to national projects in this field. In addition to her research activities, Jana Hrzinová has recently co-authored an expert article entitled 'Výběr archivačních formátů pro povinný depozit e-publikací v ČR' (A selection of archive formats for the legal deposit of e-publications in the Czech Republic), published in the Itlib periodical."

Nijolė Klingaitė-Dasevičienė is the Director of Heritage Collections and Research Department of the Vilnius University Library. For over 15 years, she’s been responsible for cultural heritage activities and heritage collections research as well as creating content for both physical and virtual exhibitions. She focuses on digitization of heritage documents and coordination of digitization projects.

Gediminas Bernotas is the Head of Documental Heritage Preservation Division of the Vilnius University Library. His main responsibility is managing a team of heritage preservation specialists (book conservators, bookbinders, microbiologists and digitization specialists). He was previously involved in developing and managing the portal of the Vilnius University Library Digital Collections.

Michael Day is Digital Preservation Research and Services Lead at the British Library. He joined the Library in 2013, where he is part of a small team concerned with developing a deeper understanding of digital collections and their preservation requirements. Before joining the British Library, Michael worked for sixteen years as a researcher and research manager at the University of Bath, where he was involved in a large-number of research projects and initiatives related to metadata, digital preservation, and research data management

Serhiy Dotsenko


   1998 – Kyiv-Polytechnic Institute (computer and IT)


  •     1996 – started to work as librarian at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
  •     2001 – Deputy director for automation at Library of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
  •     2007 – work for Ex Libris (representative and first line support in Ukraine)
  •     2023 Feb – IT expert at Yaroslav Mudry National Library of Ukraine, member of NDLU and Central Catalogue workgroups 
  •     2023 Sep – Director of IT at  Yaroslav Mudry National Library of Ukraine

Yurii S. Kovtaniuk is a doctoral candidate in historical sciences, author of more than 120 scientific works, co-author or author of 35 monographs, including DSTU 4163:2020 «Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents» and DSTU 2732:2023 «Office Management and Archival Affairs. Definitions of terms and concepts». He also co-authored the concept of planning the life cycle of electronic documents, the concept of informatization of archival affairs in Ukraine and the strategy for the development of archival affairs until 2025. He co-penned 16 normative legal acts regarding work with electronic documents in record keeping and their preparation for transfer to permanent storage, including «On electronic identification and electronic trust services».

Yurii S. Kovtanyuk's scientific interests are electronic document studies, archival studies, and library studies.

For 12 years, starting in 1993, he worked in Kyiv publishing houses in the positions of Editor, Chief Editor, and Director.

Since 2009, he worked in the position of Senior Researcher at the Department of Document Studies of the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Document Studies.

In 2012, he defended his dissertation on the topic «Electronic document studies in Ukraine: the essence of the scientific direction, history of formation, development prospects» from the specialty 27.00.02 – document studies, archival studies.

Since 2012, he worked as a Deputy Director, and from 2015 to 2022 – Director of the Central State Electronic Archive of Ukraine.

Since 2022, I have been working at the V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, since March 2023 – in the position of Deputy Director General for Research."

Maia Simonishvili is a graduate of Tbilisi State University, where she studied philology and cultural resource management. She worked for almost ten years as a newspaper and radio journalist, both in her native Georgia and in Germany (where she was a fellow at the Foundation of Lower Saxony and an intern at the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung in 2002). She translated the book “Germans in Georgia” by Daphne Springhorn, an oral history project about the German minority in Georgia at the Goethe-Institute Tbilisi, published in 2004. She worked as an intern at the Yale University Library, a fellowship from CEC ArtsLink for Artist and Cultural managers (2008). She obtained a Ph.D. in Identity Studies at the Ilia State University and was a Carnegie Research Fellow at the New School. Since 2006, she has worked as a leading specialist of the Public Relations and Cultural Programs Division at the NPLG, and since 2012 as a curator of the Anglo-American Reading Hall of the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia, where she promotes different digital resources for readers. Her projectsinclude collaboration with different foreign libraries for developing emigrant archives and new initiatives, developing and curating foreign book collections, organizing cultural events, and working with media.

Since 2021 Member of the IFLA European Regional Division.

She collaborates with the National Foundation of Georgian Literature to publish Georgian translations in foreign countries. Active supporter and participant in MOOC, digital universities, and social networks. Member of the ICOMOS Georgia and the Internet Governance Forum. Occasionally dedicates her free time to supporting women's rights, children's rights and media literacy.

Torbjørn Pedersen is the Product lead for Digital Preservation at the National Library of Norway (NLN). He has a background in moving image archiving and has worked extensively with both analog and digital preservation. Besides working with digital preservation he is a senior advisor for moving image metadata at the NLN.

Cristina Solinschi

I had worked for NLR since 2018 and I am the Head of IT Systems and Digital Resources Department at the National Library of Romania since 2021. I obtained a bachelor’s degree in physics from the “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iassy and a master’s degree in Library and Information Since from the University of Bucharest. Doctoral student of the University of Bucharest, Doctoral School within the Faculty of Letters. 

The NLR is currently in process of digital transformation, trying to overcome digitalization challenges and obstacles: migrate in a governmental cloud its entire preservation system in order to enable effective preservation of, and access to, digital heritage collections.

At the same time, I coordinate three important digitization projects in NLR:

  1. Digitization of ebonite discs collection;
  2. The archive of current periodicals published after 2000;
  3. Archive of radio broadcasts monitored by the Romanian Transmedia Office.

All three archives will be made available to users through a specially protected and copyright-compliant access.

Also, we try enables various content providers to deposit content and make it available to library staff, the public, or to specific content consumers. To ensure the preservation of only high-quality, appropriate content, NLR provides various tools for managing content and content providers.

Dariusz Paradowski has been dealing with all aspects of digitalization since its introduction in the National Library of Poland. In 2003, he created the concept of first digital assets management system in the library. He currently oversees its upgrade to 4th generation. He is the main author of the first Polish digitization textbook, head of IT Systems Division at National Library and head of IFLA Preservation and Conservation Center Poland.




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