Wykład: Theodore R. Weeks. Reading for the Nation

Pracownia Historii Bibliotek i Czytelnictwa Instytutu Książki i Czytelnictwa Biblioteki Narodowej
serdecznie zaprasza na wykład
prof. Theodore R. Weeksa (Southern Illinois University)
Reading for the Nation: Press and Publishing in Lithuanian in Vilnius, 1905–1920
Wykład w języku angielskim. Wstęp wolny
14 stycznia godz. 12.00
Biblioteka Narodowa, al. Niepodległości 213
sala nr 200
The first two decades of the 20th century were an immensely important time for the development of Lithuanian written culture and for the Lithuanian national movement. The modern standard written language had been – more or less – established, but there remained the task of building the institutions of modern reading culture: schools, libraries, bookstores, publishers, periodicals. This short presentation will look at the specific situation in Vilnius (Wilno) during these years when the building of reading culture went hand-in-hand with claims on the city as the capital of a future independent Lithuania.