Julia Konopka-Żołnierczuk and Dr Jędrzej Leśniewski appointed to IFLA committees

Julia Konopka-Żołnierczuk, Deputy Director of the National Library, has been appointed to the European Regional Committee of the International Federation of Library Associations IFLA, and Dr Jędrzej Leśniewski, Director of the Library of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, has been appointed to the IFLA Advisory Committee on Cultural Heritage. They will officially start work after the IFLA World Congress on Libraries and International Information, to be held in Rotterdam this August, and will hold their positions for two years (2023-25).
Julia Konopka-Żołnierczuk has a degree in Cultural Studies, specialising in Mediterranean civilisation, from the Faculty of Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw. She has worked at the National Library of Poland since January 2016, first in the Secretariat and then combining the positions of Secretary to the Management and Head of the Secretariat. She has been responsible for drawing up several reports for the National Library, including the annual report, in addition to coordinating National Library projects and coordinating the Scientific Council of the National Library. From 2017-20 she served as the National Library Director's representative for purchases and donations of library materials. As Deputy Director of the National Library, she oversees the process of making collections accessible and is responsible for international cooperation and the implementation of Priority 1 of the National Reading Development Programme 2.0 for the period 2021-25. At IFLA she will act as Information Coordinator for the European Regional Committee.
"Thanks to cooperation with European librarians and other representatives of European library organisations it will be possible to exchange observations and ideas about how to promote libraries in Europe," says Ms Konopka-Żołnierczuk. "I am delighted that the National Library of Poland will be involved in discussions about the future of libraries and share its experience and insights in areas such as digitisation, cataloguing and the creation of a national library network."
Dr Jędrzej Leśniewski is Director of the Library of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, the largest technical university library in the region. He is a member of the Scientific Council of the National Library of Poland and Vice Chairman of the Executive Council of the Conference of Directors of Academic Libraries of the Republic of Poland. He publishes in the area of information literacy and legal aspects of the protection of Polish cultural heritage. He advises the Education Foundation Perspektywy on the visibility of the international publishing activities of universities. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Polish Libraries. Dr Leśniewski is the first Pole to be appointed to the Advisory Committee on Cultural Heritage at IFLA.
"As Director of one of the largest libraries in Poland and the biggest technical university library in the region, I use new technology to improve the accessibility of our unique collections for a wide audience, especially people with disabilities," says Dr Leśniewski. "I am particularly aware of the need for sustainable development, for example in the area of digital inclusion for all citizens."
IFLA, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, is an international, independent organisation representing the interests of library associations, libraries and other institutions providing information services, as well as those of librarians, information workers and the communities they serve. It was founded in 1927 in Edinburgh, Scotland, and currently has 1,700 members (associations, libraries and the institutions that serve them) in more than 150 countries worldwide.
IFLA is engaged in promoting high standards in the activities of libraries and information services, protecting and safeguarding written cultural heritage, raising professional standards and the qualifications of those working in the industry, and representing the interests of its members in all countries. In Poland, the Association's members include the National Library of Poland, the Library of Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the Polish Librarians Association.
The IFLA Europe Regional Division Committee draws up regional action plans, supports library initiatives and sets regional strategic goals for IFLA. It also supports IFLA in its efforts to promote its activities and ensure their coherence and effectiveness in the region.
The Advisory Committee on Cultural Heritage supports the Governing Board of IFLA in its activities around the protection, preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. The Committee has ten members who oversee and coordinate the work of maximising the reach and impact of cultural heritage during their two-year term of office.