Historical interpretations of Friderick Chopin works

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Zygmunt  Dygat - skill characteristics


Pianistic style of Zygmunt Dygat should be classified as modernistic – his playing is clear, balanced, and he lets the music speak for itself with the pianist hidden behind the work. However, his humble approach towards the scores is combined with his delicate and convincing lyricism.

Mazurka in D major Op. 33 (Orpheon Or 140) is played in a calm tempo, with very expressive mazurka rubato and the third measure in a bar emphatically delayed. Charm and delicacy is achieved by emphasizing all modulations. The way Dygat combines forte and piano fragments is delightful and if necessary he enchants the listener with the whirr of martellato octaves which prepares the reoccurrence of the theme.

Interpretation of Chopin’s Waltz in A flat major Op. 69 No. 1 (Orpheon Or 140) is delicate and full of lyricism. His almost ideal tempo rubato proves he possessed the sense of idiom of this dance, and his pianistic qualities make the music light and clear.

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